Enslaved by love
The foundation
Three kingdoms
Fortune writer
猫妖奇谭 - love death and cat
A familiar stranger
万世龙魂 - soul of the dragon
Wrong sedan chair marry the right man
Go east
The snow moon
Lin sing kuet
The solitary swordsman
The fallen family
Are you the one
蜀山降魔传2/the legend of zu 2
Moon love
The conquest
The double
Legendary four aces
Meet you at the blossom
Bossam: steal the fate
Broken the heart
绝世战魂 - the soul of a warrior
Peacock in wonderland
The legend of beggar king and big foot queen
The jade fox
Two most honorable knights
金瓶梅禁传 上卷/sex of golden plums
Dark tales
隐市奇闻录2/the hidden town 2
Heir to the throne is
绣春刀:无间炼狱 - brotherhood of blades 3
Madam white snake
The hawk
The three heroes and five gallants
The dream of red mansions
Turbulence of the mu clan
Fateful love
Love of nirvana
Cao cao
The young warriors/xian xia sword
Ghost husband
Plum blossom scar / trâm hoa mai
The book and the sword
The romance of white hair maiden
Seven swords of mountain
Ten tigers of guangdong