女儿国前传 - the land of women
Pretty doctor
Taming of the princess
The amazing strategist liu bowen/shen ji miao suan liu bo wen/神机妙算刘伯温
The gentle crackdown / mưu dũng kỳ phùng
Lands of the condors
The mermaid's pearl
The heronie of the yangs - đại phá thiên môn trận
谢瑶环传奇之西天胜境/the legend of xie yaohuan
Legend of the eight immortals
The love duel
Trung nguyên tiêu cục - 中原镖局
The imposter (ruo yao jun bu zhi)
Lady revenger returns from the fire
The duke of mount deer
Rise from the ashes
Tai chi master ii / thái cực trương tam phong 2
Legend of the phoenix
Amazing detective di renjie iii
Love in a dream
The happy seven in chang'an
Ever night 2
The black sabre
Amazing detective di ren jie iv
Royal tramp
The legends of jigong
仙缘传 - fate of devil: devastation
Follow your heart
Cry me a river of stars
Ruler: master of the mask, the emperor: owner of the mask, monarch
虎啸风声/сrowling tiger, roaring wind
Battle through the heaven
豹子頭林沖之白虎堂 - the panther head hero 3
The legend of chu liu xiang
Lost you forever 2
River where the moon
Jade's fateful love
聊斋新编之辛女子 - secret woman
The killing romance
The princess comes across
Strange tales of tang dynasty ii to the west
The tearful sword
Amazing detective di ren
Sword stained with royal blood
Phoenix lands in the world