不夜城/fuyajo/sleepless town
慈禧秘密生活/lover of the last empress
In the eye of the beholder
八仙飯店:人肉叉燒包/the eight immortals restaurant: the untold story
Country spirit
少女潘金蓮/the amorous lotus pan
The romantic swordsman
衝鋒戰警/the constable
No room for crime/反黑英雄
金瓶梅2 愛的奴隸 - the forbidden legend: sex & chopsticks 2 - jin ping mei 2
玉女聊齋 - chinese erotic ghost story
Heir to the throne/家族荣耀之继承者
猛鬼學堂/the haunted cop shop ii
金瓶梅 - forbidden legend of sex and chopsticks - jin ping mei
暗殺風暴/death notice
滅門慘案之孽殺/daughter of darkness
皇家师姐6:地下兵工厂 - in the line of duty vi: forbidden arsenal
逆戰/the viral factor
九龍城寨.圍城/twilight of the warriors walled in
A better tomorrow iii
滅門慘案ii:借種/daughter of darkness 2
In the line of duty: royal warriors
Return of the silver tongue
Gods of egypt
快乐工厂/pleasure factory
孽欲追击档案之邪杀/the imp
賭神3之少年賭神/god of gamblers 3: the early stage
The queen of news - 新闻女王
Fist of fury
少林寺/shaolin temple
金雞/golden chicken
畫皮之陰陽法王/painted skin
何日君再來/au revoir mon amour
The secret of snake island
金雞2/ golden chicken 2
猛龍過江 - the way of the dragon
種鬼/seeding of a ghost
我的父亲母亲/the road home
Armed reaction v
上海皇帝之歲月風雲/lord of east china sea
Eternal love
獵豹行動/cheetah on fire
三狼奇案/sentenced to hang
千里走单骑/riding alone for thousands of miles
釀魂/it remains
Night beauties - 一舞傾城
迷魂黨 - spike drink gang