Son of god
Land of mine
ขุนพันธ์ - khun pan
Free state of jones
Operation chromite
Schindler's list
Dreaming back to the qing dynasty
My best friend anne frank
Warriors of the rainbow: seediq bale 2
The banquet
The last of the mohicans
War of the arrows
The crown (season 3)
The throne
Ong bak 3
The climbers
The red ghost
Little women
The map against the world
Ip man 4: the finale
The finest hours
12 years a slave
Brotherhood of the wolf
An inaccurate memoir
The 33
The promise
First they killed my father: a daughter of cambodia remembers
Princess the secret service
Hidden figures
Victoria & abdul
The princess and the matchmaker/marital harmony
The trial of the chicago 7
Gangster land
On wings of eagles
Love in flames of war
The name engraved in your heart
The man who invented christmas
The dirt
Backstabbing for beginners
Hotel rwanda
12 strong
The railway man
Impasse rescue