L風暴/l storm
The clean up crew
The asunta case
查無此心 - the abandoned
The capture (season 2)
Castle falls
American nightmare: season 1
Péril en la demeure/death in a french garden
Tiger cage 3
The mire (season 2)
The killing vote
A killer paradox
星月童話/moonlight express
女色狼/indecent woman
怒火追击 - angry pursuit
Bad boys ii
The naked gun 2½: the smell of fear
三叉戟/ three old boys
The file of justice v
The file of justice iii
Miranda's victim
Justice sung ii
Brothers for life
The rookie (season 2)
Elementary (season 4)
狙击精英之纳米危机/sniper elite: nanocrisis
鹦鹉杀/tainted love
The rookie (season 3)
Drive-away dolls
Death wish ii
Abang long fadil 2/big brother fadil 2
The player 2: master of swindlers
Point break
Red rock west
범죄도시 4/the roundup: punishment
Escape from hell
Criminal minds (season 14)
Along came a spider
Death wish
皇家師姐iii雌雄大盜 - in the line of duty iii
잠복근무/she's on duty